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Campaigns, Items and Coupons

How can I use coupon codes?

Add the items you want to buy to your basket. Click the "Discount Code" button under your order summary and select the coupon you want to use from the options, or click the "Apply" button after typing your code.

If you want to apply a coupon code for your app purchases, go to the "My Basket" tab. Click on the "Discount Coupon Options" button at the top of the page.


  • You can only use 1 discount coupon or code per order.
  • Coupon codes are not valid for some brands and products.
Can I use more than one coupon code at the same order?

Coupons can not be combined with another promotion/coupon codes.

Can I use a coupon code for more than one order?

One coupon code is valid per order, however the same coupon code can be used for multiple different orders as long as it is not a one time use and is still valid.

What is your Pricing Policy?

We have over 70 thousand items in our catalog from more than 650  suppliers.

Our retail prices are regulated by our suppliers, taking manufacturing costs, seasonality, market conditions and numerous other possible factors such as special campaigns, sales and promotions into account.
These factors may cause our prices to vary over short periods of time. 

As Modanisa Family, your satisfaction with your shopping experience is our top priority and we are doing our best to keep these changes at a minimum level. 

Please check Modanisa app regularly in order to make sure not to miss out on any bargains!

Invite Your Friend

Recommend Modanisa to your friends and loved ones and you both get 10% OFF; While your friend gets 10% OFF on her first purchase, you'll get 10% OFF coupon code!

How do I register to the program?

  • If you have a Modanisa account, you can register to the program by clicking the 'Refer to a Friend' button under your name and start here.
  • If you have registered to this program before, you can see the sharing link that will be sent to your friend on the next page. If you have not registered yet, you can continue by saving your information.
  • After logging in, you can share your special link with your friend.

How do I share my link?

  • You can share your link via social media, messaging apps or email.

How many people can I send my link to?

  • There is no limit in this regard, you can invite as many friends as you want.
  • Remember, more friends means more discounts. You can get more discounts with each friend you recommend Modanisa.

What discounts will my friend and I get from this app?

  • While your friend makes his first order with a special 10% discount, you will get 10% discount that you can use on your next purchases.

When will I get my coupon code?

  • Your 10% discount coupon will be sent to your e-mail address after your friend enters their information via the link you shared, places her first order and her order is confirmed.

How can my friend use the coupon code?

  • When you click on the link you shared and enter the information, it will be enough to enter the coupon code sent to your e-mail address in the 'Discount Code' section at the basket page.

Terms & Conditions

  • You can view the terms and conditions of the program here.
Can I get information about the place of manufacture and the hygiene conditions of your products?

All of our products are manufactured in Turkey and shipped from our main warehouse located in Istanbul, Turkey. There are no reports indicating that textile and ready-wear products may contain COVID-19 virus. Plus, we are sterilizing our warehouse on a daily basis with the silver ion disinfection method. We've taken all the necessary precautions to deliver your orders in accordance with hygiene rules. You can shop from with peace of mind. Thank you for your sensitivity, we hope the world overcomes this dire situation as soon as possible.

Modanisa & Influencer Affiliate Partnership Program
  You can find the detailed information about Modanisa & Influencer Revenue Partnership Program here.
Contact Us
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+90 850 333 64 72
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These policy and procedures are valid for United States of America customers only

Country, Language and Currency

United States of America


You can change your language, shipping country and currency.
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